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Posted By: Ghostrider Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 04:34 PM
I have personally witnessed the selective removal of my posts, I am guessing the same thing has happened with some of you. No different then Facebook and Twitter removing President Trumps post on COVID 19 while allowing others to make posts calling for destruction of the USA.
My recent posting on this site asking for information on a very unusually marked Francotte SXS was met with the not surprising trash talk from The Village Idiot.

Surprising was the removal of my response after several days, yet no censoring of the nasty remarks made by the VI.

I would like to understand who the moderators are on this forum? This might explain a lot, and possibly explain the bias.

Now after a nice posting by a friend I had not seen in awhile. This positive post gets the complete posting removed.

If this is not stalking and selective censorship I do not know what it is.

The good news I kept a copy of the posting so occasionally I can provide a blast from the past. When deemed necessary.
Posted By: craigd Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 04:51 PM
I believe we are guests in someone elses house. While I am not familiar with what you have brought up, I sense your convictions are in the right place, which of course means zilch.
Posted By: SKB Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 04:58 PM
I think the Francotte thread containing the prolonged melt down by your BFF and the back and forth between Ted and NCA225 has been removed.
Posted By: Ghostrider Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 05:59 PM
LOL yes you are correct SKB. Luckily the other posting that was so graciously started by Mr Beach is still there and provided so much information. A big thanks to all that so professionally contributed.

The original thread was removed which in itself was not any issue. I just found it quite interesting that the post went 13 pages and as far as I could tell only my responses were removed until today when the posting was killed.
Posted By: nca225 Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 06:57 PM
Ghostrider, We've known where the sympathies of the moderator lye for a long while now. You'll find that a certain few get an heightened level of protection, the 'village idiot" and cadre mostly.

Yet still its best to shine a light on them, even if the moderator eventually is going to cut the power.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 08:43 PM
Kinda shocking to me that George's innocuous thread about the NRA got locked after 4 posts and no abuse and the Francotte thread was allowed to go on for so long, being a great example of what is wrong with this site.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy,

Defamatory, abusive, inaccurate, vulgar, hateful, obscene, profane, threatening, sexually orientated etc.....did that thread miss any?

So I too would like to hear what the guidelines are for having posts deleted, threads locked and entire threads deleted. I can't make heads nor tails of it but I don't think it is as simple as a few favorites get a pass.
Posted By: nca225 Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 08:53 PM
homelessjOe's trump 2020 post was quickly eliminated as well. And I didn't even get involved in that one. Perhaps for the best...
Posted By: Dave Weber Re: Now I know how President Trump feels. - 08/09/20 10:20 PM
There is no selective removal...The entire thing was deleted.

I happened to be out of the loop a couple three days moving my last kid to her fist apartment. I returned home to find several complaint emails pointing to the thread that was terminated.

The BBS software has no provision for quickly deleting crap from within threads. I have to read every post and then sequentially delete the ones that are obvious crap. Typically, I only do this if I get multiple complaints or the thread is outside the scope of the BBS...Based on my subjective opinion.

Frankly, I don’t have time to look back of 13 pages of a couple grown men acting like idiots. I apologize for removing good stuff but I just can’t spend a hour sorting through all the posts.

Also...If any one cares to know my feelings on President Trump.... I stand with the president and anyone else who stands against the liberal left and the swampland bureaucrats who have exploited our system of government.

Trump gets my vote over the establishment and the democrats (communists) all day...every day. He’s not perfect...neither am I.

I do know he puts America first which is polar opposite the democrats and their propaganda arm (mainstream media).

Removing the post had nothing to do with censoring Trump or any specific forum was removed because grown men acting like children ruined a good thread about fine guns.

BTW - This thread is now locked as I do not wish to entertain a response from those I may have offended.
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