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The "Rocks and shoals" of this aspect of Herr Weber's forum seem to indicate rifles and shotguns, but possibly NOT pistolen. I just looked at two older German pistols- a C96 Mauser "Red Nine" sn. 813472- I did not see the Imperial Eagle stamp on the front of the magazine well, but at the rear section of the sight are-- D.R.P. (Deutsch Republic Pistol) Weimar?? and after that in lower case u.a.p. Lanyard ring at base of grip, but no lanyard or loop fastener- and wooden shoulder holster/case, and locking slot for same at lower rear of grip- wood grips clean, red circle and Upper case number NINE (9) clean and clear, 90% blue and mint bore-- Any help in a preliminary ID would be much appreciated--

Secondly is a 9mm Luger sn. 8813, with the DWM in script, not stamped letters on top of the receiver- 5" barrel, mint bore, one aluminum magazine (no sn.) with the wooden "ball" styled release knob-- my guess, the magazine is later WW2 production, but as few if any Lugers had sn's at all, let alone matching that of the gun-- Machts Nicht, Ja?? No holster or field strip tool--

Just trying to get a YOM and a possible insurance value for a friend.
So, thanks for any input-- possible fotos later-- Happy Holidays. Der Fuchs!!
D.R.P. is Deutsch Reich Patent( German Imperial Patent).
Danke--Der Amerikaner!
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