After the events of this last week I feel the need to remind all that we are in a transition of power to be led by a group of people that read like the “Who’s Who” of gun control extremist. V.P. elect Biden is the man that co-sponsored the Assault Weapons Ban!

I would encourage all of you to join or renew your NRA membership. I realize we may not always agree with them, and even tire of their recurring request for money.

I urge all of us to stand together. It does not matter if you are a Clay Target shooter, a hunter, a Cowboy Action shooter, or enjoy plinking with an AR-15. In the past many of us have said “I guess no one needs an “Assault Rifle” to go deer hunting. Well how many of us really need the 4x4 or BMW we enjoy driving? We bought it with our own money and should be able to enjoy the use of it.

Remember the group that will be leading our nation for the next 2-4 years are not friends of gun owners. No matter what rhetoric they may have set forth during the campaign. They served notice of their intentions for us in 1994. They have not changed. Please join or renew your NRA membership now.