Recently I was researching the last of the barrel marks on my Sarriugarte shotgun. There is a stamp _IG in front of Eibar on the barrels. The letter in question appeared to be an upper case E or possibly an upper case B. I googled EIG and came up with Saul Eig an importer of cuttlery and cheap guns. I knew then that this was not the case as it is a quality shotgun. Upper case B was out because of just plain stupidity. Anyway I looked closer with a jewelers loupe and the letter in question is an upper case L. I googled LIG and came up with La Industrial Guipuzcoana. Every site I checked was in Spanish. I think this was a company that the Basque gunmakers sold to. Since my Sarriugarte was made in 1969 it predates the Diarm days. Can anyone shed some further info on this? Nothing is said about LIG in the "Spanish Best" book.

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