I was nosing around eBay.de, the German version of eBay, looking at the scopes (Zielfernrohre) and stumbled across a new concept for me: two digital camera arrangements made to be used in conjunction with a scoped rifle. One simply clamps to the top of a scope, allowing the hunter to record what he is shooting at as he shoots it.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/JAGDKAM-Recording...=item3a7ae1ef7b The other device fastens to the eyepiece of the scope, so that the camera is peering through it, while the image is shown on a tiny screen clamped to the scope tube.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/JAGDKAM-PRO-Jagd-...=item3ccbac2d44 I can't really imagine how the second arrangement would work, since the camera extends the length of the scope tube to the point that it would interfere with the shooter's face and would be highly unpleasant to shoot with a rifle with any kind of recoil at all. The other arrangement doesn't seem to have any provision for zooming, so the resulting photo/video would not look at all like the image as seen through the scope (unless, of course, one was using a 1X scope).
I couldn't find a review of these devices, so I wondered if any of our German friends might be able to enlighten us.