If only the afore mentioned posts don't run off more members who are here for Double gun info and not politics.
A few observations:
I still see half a page of threads that contain posts from yesterday, so I don't see how Geo can say today marks two days in a row of a full page of new posts (or threads)
I still notice that many of the political threads get more views and more responses than double gun threads that are running concurrently. This seems to effectively counter the notion that those discussions, no matter how contentious, cause people to leave this forum.
I wonder if anyone is upset about the preacher attempting to once again tar jOe as a liar, or if certain people are simply exempt from the criticisms of name-calling???
I also wonder why anyone here ever feels compelled to read a post or thread that they are not interested in reading??? The internet is filled with stuff that does not interest me. One click of my mouse takes me away from it. I don't need to leave the internet simply because of the crap I don't care to read.
Lastly, I notice that this new Thread started by Geo has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of double guns. I sure hope it doesn't cause any one to pull up their skirt and run to Upland Journal forum or something more drastic.