[quote=MarketHunter]Every ying yang I know has a story about "seeing" a possum run out of a dead something's azz. I ain't never seen it and I've seen more possum than most. Sounds a lot like these old feed store gun dealer stories about "seeing" a damascus gun blow up and kill everybody in 100 yards.
DLH If you really are the possum expert you claim to be, you know they eat dead stuff and gut piles. When they find something dead and large, they get to the goodies through the path of least resistance. The eyeballs seem to go first, but the skull slows further progress. They will gnaw a larger opening around a bullet hole in a gut shot deer and go in for the feast. Lacking that, they seem to exploit the existing rectal orifice and feed their way in. I have seen them exit the banquet only once, but have seen many dead deer, horses, etc. that were obviously tunneled into from the rear. The real yin-yangs seem to blame this on illegal aliens from outer space, but I have truly seen the real culprits. Now if someone can prove the U.S. Government has a crashed spaceship full of dead possums at Area 51, we can link this all together and sell the story to The National Enquirer.
Last edited by keith; 09/01/08 12:11 AM.