Friends of The Double Gun BBS @ you for helping to support the worldwide exchange of information on Double Guns, Double rifles, Combination Guns, Drillings, Paradox Guns, Gauge Bore Rifles and other Fine Firearms. The individuals listed below are members who have donated funds to the Double Gun BBS @ As Always I thank you for your participation on the board.

Chris Baumohl
Steven Meyer
Michael Petrov
Harry Sanders
Rick Rodenbeck
Craig Havener
Christine Brummer
W Clair Kofoed
Chris Schotz
Patrick Dugan
William Blunk
Thomas Wright
Robert Rambler
Terrill Buffum
Michael Kalpich
Greg Muncer
Greg Westberg
Dave Forsberg
Daryl Hallquist
James Legg
Tim Wolf
Rudy Cariello
Teague's Fine Jewelry & Loan
Gordon Green
Kingsley Brown
Ken Georgi
William Apperson
Charles Heald
Peter Mikalajunas
Joe Wood
Jess Lee Birdawg
Jordan Rahal
Mark Beasland
Harlan Bacus
Philip Murphy
Keith Milich
Lonnie Waln
Linda Hansen
R. Craig Clark
Bryan Swenson
Timothy Carney
Gregory Baehman
Robert Decker
William Marscher
John Mann
David Lucas
Allen Peterson
Sam Detwiler
Edmund Good
E Randall Hudson III
Michael Lowrey
Hal Kantrud
Milton Fitterman
Charles Hill
David MacLeod
Linn Matthews
Brian Perazone
David J. Noreen
Jeff Welker
Darrell McKigney
Col. John S. Thurlow
Stan R. Hillis
C. George Newbern
Glenn Fewless
William Davis
David Kremer
Gerald Mele
Douglas Waterman
Craig Larter
James Sumerfield
Mike Shepherd
Albert Wallack
Tom Will
John P. Holmes
Bill Jolliff
Bryndon Steele
Gilbert R. Patterson
Dennis R. Potter
Thomas Kidd
John P. Schroll
Frank Halsey
Philip L. Haycock
Ronald R. Rogalsky
Richard Grimes Jr.
G. J. Zemaitis
Gerald Mouer
Michael Campbell
Robert Jurewicz
Richard Raymond
Joel Black
Ali-Reza Anghaie
B.A. Cook
Thomas J. Wyraz
Paul F. O'Neill Sr.
Berrien Moore III
James Bledsoe
G V Sharps
John Wilgus
Daniel Houghton
Peter Prentice
Jent Mitchell
Leslie Johnson
Mark K Benenson
Stephen Dodd Hughes
J Kurt Von Nieda
Larson Fine Art (Mark)
Ray Predenkiewicz
John Donovan
Greg Westberg
Jim Modena
Lin Cope
Kieth Lembo
James L. Akins
Randal O'Brian
G.R. Bobby Brook III
Lee Scroggins
Whitey Hanson
Geoff Spencer
Ken Nelson
Jerry V. Lape
Craig Libhart
Steve Quill
Randall McCune
Terrill Buffum
Daryl Hallquist
Mike Harrell
Douglas Fore
Brett Farley
Dennis Wolfe
Tyler McShan
Asa Kelley III
Bill Jolliff
J. Scott McCash

Last edited by Dave Weber; 11/01/10 07:16 AM.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible