The book is ;"English Gunmakers"[Authors Bailey and Nie] covers the 18&19 th; century not including London and Scottish makers.
For London makers see;The Gunmakers of London 1350-1850,[Author Howard Blackmore] & The London Gun Trade 1850-1920 [Authors Canadians, Joyce E Gooding &Scott Edeson.]
The 6 Bore [.938 Diameter] muzzle loader is most likely a wild fowl gun. As mentioned by others following the arrival of the breech loader we learn from the rules of proof any gun in the proof scale from 5/2[1.026 diameter]-6[.938 diameter] was chambered for 4 bore shells. These guns were available as shoulder or as punt guns.
Joseph Allen was not/is not a well known Gunmaker. May have had some connection with the ALLEN/ALEN/ALIN/ALLINE/ALLAN family of gunmakers active in London from 1582-1841

Last edited by Roy Hebbes; 08/26/13 04:28 PM.

Roy Hebbes