Friends of The Double Gun BBS @ you for helping to support the worldwide exchange of information on Double Guns, Double rifles, Combination Guns, Drillings, Paradox Guns, Gauge Bore Rifles and other Fine Firearms. The individuals listed below are members who have donated funds to the Double Gun BBS @ As Always I thank you for your participation on the board.

Contributors are listed in order of donation receipt.

Multiple donation donors will be highlighted in bold text as they occur.

Note: I will feature "In Honor of" donations on the top of the right most column....Let us not forget our double gun friends who have passed on.

Craig Havener
Harry Sanders
Mills Morrison
Robert Decker
William Palmer
Douglas Waterman
Christine Brummer
Charles Hill
TR Wilkes
Jack Lyons
Mark L. Vollinger
LF Cox
Lloyd H Bernstein
Allen Peterson
Lloyd McKissick
Hamilton Hackney
Mike Shepherd
Craig Larter
Rudy Cariello
Brian Ward
Paul Strombeck
Stephen Selvig
Janice McClintock
Thomas Wright
PW Harm
David Tercek
Michael Dittamo
Paul Melton
Robert Jurewicz
Robert L Perlichek
Larson Fine Art (Mark)
Bill Johnson
Gerald Addison
John Thurlow
Greg Westberg
Leonard Wurman
Thomas Leshinsky
Alan Parke
Tim Mornard
Outdoor Product Exchange (Cory)
James Bennett
George S. Welch
Syd Holmes
Leighton Stallones
Paul G. H. Smith
Gilbert R. Patterson
Jim Modena
Underwood & Sons
Roger Britton
G. R. Bobby Brook III
Bill L. Ferguson
Jent Mitchell
Woodruff Storage
Peter Mikalajunas
Steven Hughes
Charles Heald
Steve Freeman
Ben Deeble
In Memory of Bill Wise (TW)
In Memory of Tony Treadwell (KY Jon)
Peter Magas
Robert Warren
Terrill Buffum
Joe Wood
Vic Venters
George Newbern
John Roberts
Michael Lowrey
Forrest Armstrong
William Jolliff
Ken Ide
John Dallas
Milton Fitterman
Ken Georgi
Dave Forsberg
Greg Loftness
Linda Hansen
Robert Delk
Mark Beasland
Jay Gramith
John Hubert
Larry Ellison
David Erickson
Robert Geddes
Michael Murphy
Ray Predenkiewicz
William Blunk
Timothy Carney
Chris Teigland MD
Thomas J Wyraz
Robert Beach
Greg Muncer
Darrell McKigney
Don Titus
Philip Haycock
Paul O'Neill Sr.
Dennis R. Potter
Marc Stokeld
Patrick Dugan
Robert Rambler
Richard Brewster
Martin Fornage
Daryl Hallquist
W.K. Milich
Peter Furness
Fred Lowe
Don Titus
Edmund Good
Richard Raymond
Larson Fine Art
Michael Schwabik
Theresa Bubar
Al Houde
William Davis
Kevin Ferguson
Kingsley Brown

Last edited by Dave Weber; 12/20/15 10:35 PM.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible