2017 - Friends of The Double Gun BBS @ doublegunshop.com...Thank you for helping to support the worldwide exchange of information on Double Guns, Double rifles, Combination Guns, Drillings, Paradox Guns, Gauge Bore Rifles and other Fine Firearms. The individuals listed below are members who have donated funds to the Double Gun BBS @ doublegunshop.com. As Always I thank you for your participation on the board.

Contributors are listed in order of donation receipt.

Multiple donation donors will be highlighted as follows:
#1 = Black Standard Txt
#2 = Black Bold Txt
#3 = Black Bold underlined Txt
#4+ = Red Bold underlined Txt
Note: I will feature "In Honor of" donations in bold text on the top of the forum. The sponsor will be immediately to the left of the honorarium appearing in the right column....Lets not forget our double gun friends who have passed on.

Christine E. Brummer
Stanton Hillis
KY Jon
Michael Dittamo

Harry Sanders
Edward Swisher
Kingsley Brown
William Palmer
Harry Kauffman
Don Titus
Paul Melton
Terrill Buffum
Ken Georgi
John Dallas
Daniel Wolcott
David Tercek
Perry Kissam
Berrien Moore III
Kenneth Marburger
Craig Havener
Michael Lowrey
Joe Wood
Paul Ehlers
Michael Fall
Robert Decker
Frank Puryear
Al Houde
Robert Geddes
Terry Lubzinski
Woodruff Storage
Daryl Hallquist
Brian Ward
Robert Jurewicz
William Hazelton
Gene Langston
Michael Dittamo
William Blunk
Leighton Stallones
Ken Ide
Gilbert Stacy
Robert Giczy
Bill Jolliff
Dan Kleber
George Newbern
Herschel S. Garner
John S. Thurlow
Jason Marks
James A. Bennett
Craig Libhart
Richard Raymond
Milton Fitterman
Jeffrey Owen
Edmund Good
Nick Carter
Robert D. (redoftx)
Bill L Ferguson
Marc Stokeld
James Flower
Lloyd McKissick
Michael Lowrey
Laurence Frank
John Eurom
William Hazelton
Marc Adamchek
Tim Carney
Jeffrey Nania
Lin Cope
Paul Strombeck
Andreas Bergstrom
Richard Mansfield
Gary T D Allen
Brian LaLone
Steven Bertram
Leland Norris
Douglas McCorkindale
Thomas Tutwiler Jr.
Linn Matthews
E. Gilmor Russell
Christopher Flaherty
Thomas Leshinsky
Kevin Ferguson
Patrick Dugan
Brandon Yates
John Huber
Ihor kopka
Jeffrey D. Kuss
Michael Petrosino
Chris Schmidt
Syd Holmes
John Wilgus
TR Wilkes
Dave Miles
Patrick Bratton
Lloyd McKissick
In Memory of Bill Wise
In honor of Oscar Gaddy, Bill Wise, & Larry Barnes
In honor of Doug Woodin (PA24)
In honor of Tony Treadwell
In honor of William K Milich

Last edited by Dave Weber; 11/25/17 03:25 PM.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible