2023 - Friends of The Double Gun BBS @ doublegunshop.com...Thank you for helping to support the worldwide exchange of information on Double Guns, Double rifles, Combination Guns, Drillings, Paradox Guns, Gauge Bore Rifles and other Fine Firearms. The individuals listed below are members who have donated funds to the Double Gun BBS @ doublegunshop.com. As Always, I thank you for your participation on the board.

Contributors are listed in order of donation receipt.

Multiple donations will be highlighted with a "*" after the donor's name starting with the second donation...and some red text too!

Note: I will feature "In Honor of" donations in bold text on the top of the forum.
The sponsor will be immediately to the left of the honorarium appearing in the right column....Lets not forget our double gun friends who have passed on.

Stanton Hillis
Dustin Maruquin

Gil Russell *
Bill Jolliff
Randy Sprinkle
Steve Freeman
Edmund Good *
Mills Morrison
Bill Jolliff
Stanton Hillis *
Milton Fitterman
Nigel Burch
Mills Morrison
Bird Dog Bunkhouse (Bobby Lowe)
Tim Carney
Perry Kissam
Jeffrey M Hartin
William G McTurnan
Joe Wood
Michael Dittamo *
Gilbert Stacy
Robert Dorman
Steven Bertram
Harry Kauffman
Lloyd McKissick
Nigel Burch
Gene H. Williams *
Peter Davis
Matt Haney
Michael Dittamo
John Roberts
Gerry Addison
Travis Sims
V Harnell
Jim Reesor
David Erickson
Jimmy Heisz
Jimmy Williams
William Greulich
In Memory of Bill Wise
In Memory of Jim Kelly, Gunsmith
In Memory of John Mann

Last edited by Dave Weber; 12/27/23 08:13 AM.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible