IMHO a vintage double without pitting means honing.
This statement by the Preacher is both absurd and unfounded.
The presence of pitting in the bores of a vintage double may indicate that it was never honed. On the other hand, barrels that have been honed could also continue to be neglected, and could subsequently develop new pitting. Guns that were used with corrosive primed shells could develop pitting very quickly if not properly maintained. And some barrel steels were less resistant to corrosion too.
However, there are plenty of vintage doubles that have nice shiny bores, in spite of never being honed or polished. That's because there are plenty of vintage doubles that were owned by guys who made a habit of cleaning and oiling their guns after use.
This sort of misleading information tends to get accepted and repeated, so it should be understood that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.