Denny Crane comes up the sidewalk in a cheerleaders outfit, with a women's wig sliding off the side of his head and limping because of a broken heel on one of his high heeled shoes after a rough night on the town. He wonders how his face got so smeared with lipstick and he has never in all his 60 years remembered being on a college girls cheerleader's squad. As he gets up to the house he is startled by the crash at the front window that leaves a body hanging half in and half out of the house while vomiting in the bushes. As he opens the door, he ducks under a glass that had once held his grandmother's teeth next to her bed, and hears it splatter against the door jam next to his head. One man has smashed a table over another bloke's skull. Another shovel headed moron has his sister in a headlock and is choking her as he screams, because she has his crotch in a vise grip with her hand while twisting it furiously. A man is dancing around the room screaming in pain because someone has buried a knife through his foot. Another young man is crawling around the floor on his hands and knees looking for the chunk of his ear that has been bitten off, while his brother is staring down at his once new Leisure Suit that is now in repair of a missing breast pocket. Denny Crane quietly backs out the door and tiptoes with a broken high heeled limp back down the sidewalk, trying not to be noticed or involved. About that time a bus filled with screaming girl cheerleaders hanging out of the windows comes around the corner and heads his way as they all start screaming, "De-e-e-en-n-y-y-y-y-y-y. De-e-e-e-en-n-y-y-y-y-y!! He runs as fast as his broken high heeled shoe can take him and jumps on the bus just in time to head out of town and get away from all this mess.