I'm heading home to Southern Illinois for the opener. We're invited to shoot on a friend of my Father's farm, he actually manages the place for doves and holds an amazing amount of birds.

Got to call Grandpa and make sure he's coming along. He turned 90 this summer, when I talked to him on his (and my) birthday he said he was keen to go. He had his eyes worked on back in the spring and doesn't even need glasses now so I'm anxious to see his shooting improve.

As far as getting ready, I've got the dove stool out, gone over my cartridges. Need to wash the old short sleeve camo shirt and sew a hole up in my khaki shooting pants.

For a gun I think I'm going to take the family Stevens 311 this year. Grandpa has it's mate in 20 gauge (marked JC Higgins) so it only seems right to take them both out together.

Hopefully will be able to stay home an extra day and make a squirrel hunt with an old friend.

If I said any of this in another thread please excuse the repeat, I'm still recovering from a hang over.


Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits