Old Ithaca has again found it's way into my heart and wallet. I've been looking for a 32" ejector boxlock I could guiltlessly restock and rechoke as a target gun. Oh, that VHE at Ivory Beads was something! ... but about twice my budget. A round-top Sauer; I pondered too long, and was sold. An extractor NID was so barrel pitted that I returned it.

So now I wait for delivery and inspection on a 32" Flues ejector. I find the engraving chubby, homely and endearing. I'll shoot appropriate length low pressure loads through it.

I tried to bargain on price, but I'm very bad at haggling: I figured with the economy, I'd lowball and negociate up from there. Before I finished my opening offer, they said deal! I don't know what I left on the table, but I'm happy. Wish me luck on the inspection. Advice on chamber size or anything else is appreciated.

New York