The following signature line appeared on my posts awhile ago.

Humble member of the League of Extraodinary Gentlemen (LEG). Joined 14 March, 2006. Member #1.

It may have been immediately after David gave us this great new site.
I had nothing to do with its placement on my profile and am wondering two things.
What does it mean and how did it get where it is?
I would appreciate knowing. I surmise that it is a signal honor to be so designated, even if so farfetched.:} I must say that the be a LEG is humbling at the least. Please remember that it takes more than one leg for anything or anyone to stand easily. There are many legs here, on this board, and most of them have supported my attemps to stand upright once again. I am eternally grateful.
My best to all.

Last edited by John Mann; 12/03/06 10:02 PM.

Humble member of the League of Extraodinary Gentlemen (LEG). Joined 14 March, 2006. Member #1.