
Funny, he knew the market so well, he even accurately predicted your response.

"The internet gun BBS's seem a sterling example of users who only like to hear the intelligence, of themselves."

You mentioned having to remove the checkering and starting over to get a proper English style of checkering, yet in this very thread David T. pointed out the difference between the two was a bastard file some 400 grit and finish.

I consider Paul Hodgins a friend and have had long conversations with him.

Paul has mentioned the gentleman you so cavalierly ran under the bus to me. He disagrees with your assessment.

It is simple really, you are so sure of your own opinions that you won't allow any other thoughts on the matter intrude into your sacrosanct anglophile world.

I'm sorry you choose to use this forum to lecture us on our lack of knowledge instead of for the exchange of information and learning that many of us prefer.
