If you want to start a J. Purdey & Sons over here in the USA, I'd think you'd have to first take a look to see if you could legally do that first

If you could - then go for it.
Something you'd (naturally) want to consider is who your market would be.
It doesn't seem that these guys in the UK will have much trouble finding enthusiastic clients.

Originally Posted By: obsessed-with-doubles
Huh? So I can start a J. Purdey & Sons over here without a problem? What about a Boss & Co. Seems odd, but I'm not an expert in this stuff. Anyone have any insights into this?
And all that talk about "escrow" seems odd to me. Who owns the escrow management company?
Do other makers bring this up right away?
One more thing, is there any real advantage to the rising bite action?
What about in a DR? Would the extension hamper the rapid reloading of it?


On escrow, I don't know who will run the escrow management company.
These guys are definitely on the foot of a very bold move though, and escrow is a great way to protect both the buyer and the seller.
Good for them!

Other makers offering this kind of firewall?
I haven't heard of it - and I haven't looked very closely at other start-up efforts in the 'nice gun world' either.
Has the US-based Rigby effort had a couple of bankruptcy filings since they started up?
If so, what happened to the deposits etc of the clients?

I'm confident that if you (or anyone) are a potential client of theirs, and if you had questions and concerns about the bits and parts of 'the deal', they'd be happy to have a chat with you.

On the rising bite fastener -- strength?
Better than what?
On speed of reloading a double rifle?
I don't have any issues reloading my double rifles that have rib extension third fasteners, and I doubt I'd find the rising bite arrangement any different than those I've run.
