Doug, Did you see all the Great Photos Barry Lee H took of "The Group" @Northbrook? We all looked like we Knew what we were doing with our noses close to the Subject!!! I've not 'Touched Base' with 'H.A.'for many 'Moons'. Before T.H.Left for the'Reproduction part of "H",(That I'm sure he is running at 'FULL_BLAST') one of his 'Munchkins'told me 'He'wanted all myPhotos & Negs. destroyed, OR ELSE!!!(They went down with my ship,.'Moons' ago!!!!History and Firearms, Wonderful Stuff!!I'm trying to put some of my Leningrad, USSR Visit May 1991,Catherine the Greats Flintlock Fowler, Czar Nicholas ii,LeBeau, a Purdey 12 I was allowed to Strip-down to examin, and the Holland D/R...If I can figure out this PhotoBouquet....C/C