Greg...Thought your Humor was(IS) great...Let me say just how UN/funny Guns'Standing in the Rack,Guns in Stripped down boxes, Guns in the vice being re-stocked, Guns waiting to have new'Limbs Fitted,Soft bit on the 'back-end of the stock waiting to be Wrapped in'Luxurious Leather' The JP&s i2b O/U in the Setting Bench......Phweeee! that was close, Flashpoint of the Special Oil imported from'Distant Lands"was a split second from'Bursting into Flames"(We always have a bottle of Heineken on stand by, for such emergencys)Iv'e never heard a gun,or rifle Laugh' Mabe its just that I need a few more years at the bench, 1953 was'nt all that long ago..!!!cc