BTE is the French abbreviation for Brevete, patent.

I did not read that source the same way Raimey. I did not read it as an exclusive relationship. Rather that in 1907 Pieper was sourcing all their barrel making stock from Siemens Martin. I rather think of Pieper as being in the same league as Beretta during this period. Beretta was constantly changing the sourcing for their barrel stock. You can not over look the shrinking of the American market due to changing tariffs. Also there was an economic downturn in Belgium about this time. Also, about this time a huge strike takes place in which workers refused to work until their demands were met. It was so bad, that aide societies were set up. People took in the children of the striking workers to prevent them from starving. Or perhaps, I am just too cautious.

Having said all this. It certainly highlights, once again, the international character of the gun trade. It throws a small dent in the mystique of Krupp.
