Yes, but these machining operations are simple when compared to fabbing the entire base. Actually, if the dovetails are close enough dimensionally, all needed alterations can be done with a hand grinder and files. That's the advantage of beginning with a slightly-oversize base (or as in this case, with a slightly-undersize mount), it can be fitted closely to the mount during the needed alterations. It won't be a bolt-on conversion but we hope it'll be at least close enough to work after a little persuasion(grin).

If we're VERY lucky, I'll have a Jaeger mount that will be a close-enough fit on his G&H base so that the base will still be usable with the original G&H mount if it's ever located.
Regards, Joe

You can lead a man to logic but you can't make him think. NRA Life since 1976. God bless America!