Henry Atkin (Gunmakers), T/A Atkin, Grant & Lang of Windmill Lane, St Albans Hertfordshire, hereby notify the public that a change of ownership has been agreed. The company has been purchased by Mr Diggory Hadoke, who will now be responsible for all trading and manufacturing operations. Mr Ken Duglan will continue his association with the company as a consultant.

Mr Hadoke, who is known as a writer and as the owner of, assumed operational control today and is excited that he will have the opportunity to bring added value to the brand and continue with the good work built up over the three decades of Mr Duglan's involvement with the firm.

Atkin, Grant & Lang will continue to make best English sporting shotguns, carry out service, repair and renovation work and develop other areas of the business.

Last edited by Small Bore; 08/24/10 11:55 AM.