
My congressman lied, more than most, to get elected last time. He has stopped listening. He will hear from a lot of people in November and he will not like their message. He is going to get fired.

And the government is about to learn the you can not make everyone work harder for the privilege to pay more taxes. I have reduced my property taxes over fifty percent of what was due yearly as late as five years ago. My personal income taxes will be reduced by one third this year with no real net decrease in personal income. There are ways to avoid giving the government more than half of every dollar you make. You can not make me work more to keep less and pay in more in taxes. The company store is closed.

I thought the Tea Party movement was going to peter out. But it looks like it will help elect about ten percent of the Republican Congress and several Senators. That is real power if they can last just two or three elections. Perhaps there is a seed of sanity within the people calling for less and less government. For my kids sake I hope so.

1099 for gun sales is a joke. If a person sells a gun and makes money they may try to claim he needs to pay taxes on the gain. If you do not have solid proof of the original purchase price then they will claim the entire sale is a taxable gain. If he loses money they will not allow the loss. He can either carry forward to another year to off set a future gain or they will try to say the loss proves the sale was not taxable because it is a hobby and hobby expenses and hobby losses are not deductible.

If you are a "real" dealer then the 1099 is one more useless paper trail you will be force to generate and keep track of for ever. They will get more in fines for poor records than they will get for taxes collected. Take comfort in the fact the Government is warning people to not go into areas with high illegal immigration with big signs. I feel safer already.