I was referring to state government with the corruption thing. Locals everywhere, best as I can tell, run at the max. Maxine, goof that she is, was the only member of Congress that had balls enough to call the CIA on their heroin, documented beyond any shred of doubt, operations importing into the USA. Of course it got little press and I wonder that Maxine wasn't snuffed. You can check out a book called "Crimes of Patriots" if you really want to be overwhelmingly disgusted with what is being done for you. How does bodies coming back from VietNam being stuffed with heroin strike you? Rock out!

Actually, nationalizing several industries would be a boon to all rather than just a few. You need only to look at Nazi Germany to a nationalized economy that just roared. A rational approach to critical nationalization only sounds bad to people who are bleeding a market segment dry, or who have no idea what they're talking about.

have a day


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