
Forget about your Nazi Germany Nationalization. That is just about as wrong as one person can get. The worst segments of our economoy are all run by the Govt already. And they just spent almost a trillion dollars and don't know where it went! It was all sent to "Shovel Ready Projects" and now the President himself admits there is not such thing. If you are coming to AZ for the purpose of espousing larger government I ask you to reconsider and stay in California where there is nothing left to screw up and if you like Maxine Waters please go live in her district. By the way, once we get the border with Mexico plugged up the next segment will be to seal the California border. We are getting way to many California luneys leaving there because the State is so screwed up and no sooner do they arrive than they want to have same govt handouts here.

Why you are leaving that peoples paradise and coming to AZ anyway?