The best of this flock are hand painted E. Allen birds that a friend did up several years ago. He's out of the game for a couple seasons due to a run in with the warden so we're hunting part of his rig and ours too.

My sneak boat rig is the best of the best as far as what I own personally. All cork birds in redhead, canvasback, and bluebill that I had made by Tom Humberstone over the course of several years. Will hopefully be posting some pics of that kind of shooting in the coming couple weeks.

I think I've met Cyril at one of the double gun shoots. He probably handles his better than I do. I missed a perfect shot on a big bull canvasback that would have been my last bird of the day and my first for the season. The other boys both killed one though, so at least we broke the seal.


The blacks must really be up in numbers this year. In Quebec during late September we saw more than we've ever seen. Kaas and McKormack have been hunting up and down the East Coast of the US all their lives and both said they'd never seen anything like it. Hopefully some of these show up soon where we gun in Ontario. We did pretty well on them last year later in the season so I'll cross my fingers. Sadly the black duck season goes out in late December but the rest of the ducks continue till mid-January.

Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits