Ah, but there is a relationship, my stupid (again your words, not mine) friend-lubricants sold with the PTFE label attached COST more, regardless of use described on the label, and, honestly, people who buy them thinking they are getting something for their (extra) dollars, or rupels in Genos case (good to see that huxterism is truly a universal phenomenon-can you imagine the guffaws the marketing people suffered when they told us, in their advertising, that PTFE was the "most slippery substance known to man" and then, a sentence or two later, that this same slippery substance would "instantly bond to any metal" knowing folks like you would lap it up like chocolate sauce on a free ice cream cone?) spent seem to have missed the Dupont chairman's brutally honest answer that PTFE is not a lubricant.
It is hard to get around that FACT.
You pay more, and get less. And, you advise on a public forum, to do the same, idiotic thing you do. Oblivious to the fact that, regardless of application of oil with PTFE in it, nothing, and I mean nothing, has been gained. Not on a gun, not in a crankcase, not in two stroke oil, not, in fact, anywhere, in any petroleum product, it has been tried.
Oh, by the way-much as I would have liked to, I've never actually owned a model 31. Mix that in your cocktail, along with those anti-dementia medications that an able bodied, and (hopefully) younger, person administers to you. No doubt, an old timer like yourself can explain to all of us the truth of the statement, "Memory is the second thing to go".
