I picked this up at a small local auction, a WC Scott 12ga:

She is pretty from a distance, but has some problems:

Used to be a straight grip:

And she has a bit of cast:

A restock will eventually be in order, but I am a left eye dominant righty, so I am planning on giving her a try as she is, although I certainly don't think it will do any favors for my shooting.

The barrels have some pitting, [/i]very[i] minor inside, and my gunsmith said I'm safe with the proper loads. There is more external pitting. Since the gun isn't worth much, I thought I would try my hand at barrel browning. Right now I am just working on polishing.

One polished, one not:

And again, showing the heaviest pitting.:

My question is, before I move on, do I have to polish away all the tiny spots in the below picture?

I have done a lot of polishing near the breech, but some of the heavy pitting remains. I want to take all of this off, but I don't want to polish off too much and have it look uneven against the receiver. Should I take the rib engraving off?

I have been using 200 grit and plan to finish with 400, is this enough or should I go up to 600+?

Appreciate any insight.
