He was known as Der Gross Hermann and Der Dicke. He got hooked on drugs in the 20s and by the time he surrendered to the Americans he was a walking depository of paracodeine. He definitely believed in living the good life. Prime example was Karinhall, where he loved to hunt. When he surrendered to the Americans, the pistol he turned in was a Smith & Wesson MP 38 revolver. Seems rather strange. When he was in the custody of the prison at Nuremburg, he was weaned off of the pills and lost a considerable amount of weight. Justice Robert jackson, who was the chief U.S. prosecutor, found out that Goering had a sharp mind. Goering had no intentions of hanging. He believed it was not the honorable way to die. There have been allegations that an American officer from Texas was the one who got him the cyanide capsule, that he ended his own life with. The picture that was taken off him after he poisoned himself was with one eye open in his pajamas. All of the bodies, including his, were loaded on a truck, and taken under armed guard to a concentration camp where the ovens had been fired up. Their bodies were cremated and their ashes were dumped in a river, so any diehard Nazis could not have anything to cherish.

Colin L. Kendall