English Walnut - Juglans Regia
Black Walnut - Juglans Nigra
Claro Walnut - Juglans Hindsii
California Walnut - Juglans Californica

Some varieties are grown for their nuts while others for their wood. More than 400 black walnut cultivars have been named and released in the last century. Essentially these are either hybrids or selective breeding. Add to the mix that grafting often is used in orchards. The end result is very confusing.

It has been cultivated for at least 4,000 years. There is evidence that it has been eaten for almost 10,000 years. The Greeks and Romans did their best to spread the tree every where. The Romans were so taken with it that they had special walnut recipes prepared for weddings. Later the English continued the dissemination of the tree.
