That's why they do it. It doesn't seem like it's worth fussing over.

But if you do it to 10,000 people a year, that money adds up. Scammers will steal CC #s and do it to 100,000 cards a couple time a year. Now you're talking some decent change.

BTW: GB didn't do it because the CC on file had expired, or to verify a new CC (kind of like a gas station does).

They did it for some bogus "Extended Verification" process that they forced me into. As you can see, I gave them a chance to explain this to me and come to a resolution. They didn't want to do it.

And if no one has a problem paying a $2 fee every now and then, please send me $2 every 6 months. I will be happy to take the money.

And please tell others.

If I can get a 1,000 of you to do it 2x a year, I can pay for a decent trip out west.



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