Wow. I didn't expect so many responses to this original "alkanet" post.... but then again this is the best gun site on the web; with purists and people who care deeply about the appearance of their stocks...soooooo.... I am really NOT THAT surprised.

Great info, too! Thanks to all who posted. I am cutting and paste-ing the formulas.

By the way, I am far far far from an expert but I tried some of the DEFT products and pemixed stuff and well, I am not pleased with the results and I am hardly an expert or have an expert eye as was posted above... (which was a great post by the way).

I guess I will "brew up" my alkanet potion and label it with x's and be sure not to mistake it for burgandy and while some may think it is a horrible waste of time I will WAIT to see how well it actually works before I put it down or taut it as the best thing since sliced bread. I do have the alkanet root ordered and on its way. I am psyched to read all the posts that confirm that it was the stuff used by the old (and many new) stock finishers.
transforming ideas into reality