Well, Jimmy, since you are naming names...Kirk Merrington will tear you a new one if you fart around with the opening lever while closing a gun in front of him...Richard Levi, who builds some modest guns by the name of George Granger every year in St. Etienne will shake his head and mutter un-pretty things in French as he takes the gun away from you, if you try that. Oh, and as a point of reference, the people at the proof house there don't pussyfoot around when they proof test the completed gun either, they clunk them shut with a bit of authority. At least they did when I was there.
Quick question-Didn't you type the clamp "snaps" around the pin on the car door? Like, the way a snap action gun is supposed to "snap" into its final wedged closed position, before being fired?
Just curious. Car doors have always been 'sorta idiot proof, in that there is no way for someone to slow down or interfere with the snap of the jaw around the pin-it is independent of the button.

Maybe guns should be like that, too.
