Very nice setter, JDW.

Personally I will never ever take dual dog again. It seems to me dual dogs can't take all heavy duty stuff of real huntings. I lost my dual red setter because of it last year.
Also I will never take working American dog of broken strings such as EP, ES, IS and Gordon. These strings belongs to UK and Ireland and dogs have to be looked like original.
Brittany's that I saw here sounds logical. We have plenty of these dogs here and they are all good working dogs (besides show strings).
What about short and long haired dogs for home - its huge missunderstanding short haired dogs do not leave their hair indooors. Its much easy to clean home from long hairs of long haired dogs, than from short hairs. These short hairs are everywhere and its not possible to get them whith vacuum cleaner or such from fabric covers at home and in the car.
