Originally Posted By: Dave K
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Dave, you are absolutely right. Registration is the first step to confiscation. That's what they did 15 years ago to a large proportion of handguns here.

While I only own hunting guns, we are all in this together as gun owners. It's not really about guns, it's about property rights and freedoms, at least up here.

Thanks Canvasback, ! I know there are lots of fellow gun owners up there like you who feel the way most of us here do.
"We must hang together or surely we shall hang separately" (Ben Franklin)

Unfortunately we both also have a lot of as long as they don't take my shotgun they can have the "black rifle,handgun or..,type here who are a big part of the problem and need to be brought in line or kicked to the side.
"Your either with us or your with the enemy" !

Dave, you make a good point about the split in viewpoints being sporting arms owners and black rifles, hand guns etc.

My opinion is that the introduction of the registry 15 years ago along with the other changes made at the same time, started a slow understanding from sporting gun owners that they would surely be next once the hand gun guys were taken care of; at the same time the hand gun guys have been galvanized out of an 80 year complacency because of the inclusion of guns like all .32 caliber as prohibited at that time. No rhyme or reason for .32 to be banned, just a good way to get rid of 40% of registered hand guns at the time.

The reality of the over arching aim became clear and slowly we all started to respond.

Additionally the growing mountain of evidence about CC in the US, the adoption by almost all states that results in immediate drops in violent crime and the identification of local jurisdictions that ban CC and their rates of violent crime are helping to change minds on that subject.

This is a first step. When it has been executed, we'll move onto the next.

BTW, the Canadian gun forum I'm on, CGN, demonstrated very effectively it's power to mobilize volunteers during our last Federal election to work specifically in ridings to oust an incumbent that was particularly hostile to our views. We are getting a better understanding of the political power we can wield when we are united.

Having said that, for any Canadian reading, please understand I am speaking in generalities. Of course, all along there have been people who were fighting the good fight.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia