I didn't say that I couldn't afford to pack my items correctly KY. I said my margins don't allow me to throw money at (the very few) customers who complain like hell but won't return their purchases for a refund. Orvis can afford that, I can't. And out of principle, I won't encourage this type of consumer behavior.

Dave, your point about pics is the one I have been trying to make many times over. Thank you for bring it up again. I posted a pic of the case as it was when I shipped it. It's on page one. Here it is again:

And in this case Mr. Vella doesn't want money as many of you have suggested, he wants to get even for a perceived wrong. He just said so above. I offered him the full $50 he says he is out, and as I predicted, he spurned it, just like he spurned my offer to make good on the delay way back when it happened. Like I said, he seems to have a vindictive personality.

I did apologize to him for the shipping delay at the time and made a peace offering for that and it got me nowhere. His tirades just got louder. That's what happens when you try to appease a bully. Apologizing to him for what I perceive to be grossly exaggerated and unsubstantiated wear and tear to a used guncase ain't going to happen. Not without pictures.

And Utah Shotgunner, pls be specific about "other threads". Post a link if you please. This is a first for me. I don't always agree with what people say, but I don't rip them off. To you and to all the others who have jumped to conclusions about me and my company based on this one very fuzzy data point, with all the exposure this is getting, show me ONE additional customer complaint on this thread. You can't because, with the exception of CFHs, I take care of my customers.

I know that most of the readers on this board are consumers and not dealers. I don't expect much sympathy given the stereotype of a used gun dealer. Not much better than a used car dealer. But the shallow thinking and knee-jerk reactions on the part of some posters has been disappointing, frankly.

And to Shooting Star, that's a cheap shot. You don't know me from Adam. If you did, you wouldn't indulge in this adolescent stuff (How old are you anyway?).

Last edited by doublegunhq; 02/10/07 09:47 PM.

Fine English, American and German Double Shotguns and Rifles