A respected member of this forum stated recently that all the chatter going on lately is denigrating this forum and its good intentions in a huge way, or something to that effect.

It's true. I've been a member coming on 10 years and truly rely on doublegunshop.com and the think tank therein to educate me, entertain me and otherwise tip me off to the odd bit that falls a little outside the strict parameters now and again. And the genuine camaraderie here is a wonderful thing.

As far as the torrent of tiring crap directed our way by a certain guy and his alter ego, let's really try to NOT reply, in any way. See a post from him, skip it. Don't even open it. Just skip it.

Like many, MANY of you I value this site with all its varied forums too much to watch it disintegrate into hogwash headaches.

So I appeal to one and all to try to completely ignore the poisonous tripe aimed at us and just skip the damn posts when we see them.

Many Thanks - Marc