I was just reading a blurb on Huffington Post about a soldier who was wounded twice in Afganistan, home on leave, who had to pawn or sell his two purple hearts at a pawn shop to make ends meet, The shop owner, Bryan VandenBosch, was quoted to say that he would not sell the medals in hope that the soldier could reclaim them. A lot of folks have it tough around the holidays but this story struck home. I remember my Navy days when I had to hock my graduation watch almost every month to buy baby formula. I figured that I could kick in a few bucks to get this guy's medals back & I figured that there might be a few others here who would as well.

The Shop is Named: A-Z Outlet, 221 N. River Ave., Holland, MI 49424 & the phone number is (616) 738-1603. If anyone here lives near there & could check it out & let us know the tab I'll send him my check.

Best Regards, George

To see my guns go to www.mylandco.com Select "SPORTING GUNS " My E-Mail palmettotreasure@aol.com