Some good points.

My dad retired at 59 after 30 years in skilled trades with the auto companies. He moved to Florida immediately and is now 86. Been retired from Ford for longer than he worked there and they still pay him to not work. He's part of a small minority still alive who was saved a trip to Honshu by Fat Man and Little Boy and did not contract a fatal disease working in industry.

He has zero regrets about retiring the very day he was eligible, and was able to travel a bit with my mom when she was still able.

Dad's philosophy is that every extra year you work, is a year you don't have in retirement.

Obviously this takes financial planning and a good knowledge of self.

I intend to follow suit, just as soon as possible. Florida has no state income tax, seniors get a break on property tax, and they seem to get along just fine. I'm not staying in Michigan just to pay tax for the privilige of shoveling snow.

Michigan just changed their tax laws with the apparent intent of driving seniors south. I'm happy to oblige.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble