All jokes aside, I do think that the vintage shooter has a decided disadvantage that deserves a compensating system to even things up a bit.

I shoot a non-selectable single trigger choked cylinder/mod on a a clay presentation that is thrown at about 45 yards. It's a wicked presentation to say the least. I find I often have to shoot the clays in reverse order from what is practical to get the proper choke on the proper clay.

If people are swapping chokes or guns mid-course to get a better score, there deserves to be a handicapping system for those that stick with what they've got, shoot lighter loads and are sticking with the chokes (or non-chokes) they have.

Am I the only person that thinks every choke down from whatever is optimal for that course deserves a +1 handicap per choke or some other system?

I guess it's just sour grapes for me because I can beat these guys with their own guns, but I have to take sh&t from them for shooting a less efficiently choked gun for the courses.