There are two different labels from the Gracechurch Street days both pictured on my Blanch Database web site, History page.
The earlier is a large paper one 8.5" x 7" with the usual Royal crest. Originals of these are very rare, usually associated with late muzzle loaders rather than breech loaders.
The later one is a quality, buff card, gold blocked, 4.5" x 3" and these are much more common and regularly found in old Blanch cases from the last 1/4 of C19.
Snag is that the Blanch workshop had an unfortunate habit of writing the gun's number in the top LH corner of the label, presumably so they could marry up the gun and case easily when it was returned to the owner. The scribe usually had won no prizes for calligraphy at school plus the label is forever wedded to its gun.
I know of no-one who has originals for sale. Best bet is to be prepared to purchase a scruffy old case for the label.
Probably problem with the new labels that Mark will hopefully produce one day is that new labels invariably look like such. Antiquing a new label to look old makes it look exactly like an antiqued new label IMHO!