Gun control and gun banning is a lot like porn regulation to me. Who gets to decide what is and what is not allowed? When the Supreme Court could not come up with a description of what porn was, nine of the better legal minds in America, what give you any hope reasoned gun restrictions will be made by the same people? On top of that this becomes a very emotional issue for many and facts and the lack of knowledge gets in the way of opinions. Too many people think that they know a lot more than they really know. The rely on others to inform them and do not find out if they are being lied to or told the true facts.

We really need to regulate the people not the guns. If you obey the law you should be allowed to own a gun of your choice. If you break the law you loose that right. Prison for your crime and the certain fact that if you do the crime that you will pay the time should be central to any law.

Any one is allowed to have an opinion just do not impose your opinion on me.