PA 24. When the Movie came out (The latest with De caprio) I suggested to Mike McIntosh that we try to find out(If we could, as I did not have a computer, If we could find out from my earlier research,who in the 1st Class passengers were Purdey Clients,I had my Years of JP&S Records, I had shared my "Stuff" with Don Dallas when he was writing his PURDEY book, Mike became"Un-well" so I put it all aside.It was quite interesting finding who was a H&H, Boss, Purdey, Clients, then checking the name againt the Passenger/Crew/Etc. Lists I had in my files.I think I gave all my research to a "Young Writer" who was going to"Follow Through". I'm glad there is still some Interest in the OLD Stuff...DT-C/C