Whatever a candidate's personal "beliefs" are, the political reality in this country is such that gun rights are not going away. I breathed a sigh of relief when Romney won the primary - he is sufficiently sane that most progressives can live with him.

Approximately a third of gun owners are Democrats. The right-wing does not have a monopoly on gun ownership. Most of the guys I shoot and hunt with are far to the left of me. The yahoos on some gun and hunting shows do far more harm than the anti-gun crowd (many of whom are political conservatives). Thank you to chopperlump for this thread!

There's a good article in last week's New Yorker magazine. The au was clearly anti-gun but she traced the NRA's involvement in the gun rights issue with some clarity that I had not seen before.

Last edited by Gnomon; 04/27/12 08:56 AM.