Originally Posted By: rabbit
Assuming the incumbent were successfully returned in twentytwelve and unrestrained by further political ambitions, how exactly would he enact his anti-gun program in the face of a republi-con majority in the house and a distinctly unfriendly court? C'mon, tell us, Jim.


Uh, jack, I know I'm not Jim but I've got to jump in on this. First, can you guarantee that we'll have a distinctly unfriendly "republi-con" majority in the House, or the Senate? Second, can you guarantee that Obama will not get the chance to appoint any more gun-unfriendly Supreme or Federal Court justices? Third, have you perhaps heard of the possible consequences to Second Amendment rights if Obama should ratify the U.N. Small Arms treaty?

Shall I go on? How about gun and hunting bans on federal lands via executive order, thus circumventing Congress? Perhaps more under the radar illegal ops like Fast and Furious? Or Justice department support for more frivilous lawsuits designed to injure or bankrupt the firearms industry? Or environmental regulations or consumer protections regulations designed to make shooting prohibitively expensive? Or using our hard earned tax dollars to fund more anti-gun studies via HHS and AMA?

All of that was just off the top of my head. I know there are many other possibilities. Sorry if I stole any of your thunder Jim.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.