jack, after reading and re-reading your last several ramblings numerous times, I think I've finally deciphered what you were trying to say. I'm now at least 51% certain that you feel (or felt) that the Second Amendment applies only to bodies such as the National Guard (which hadn't been conceived when the Bill of Rights was written), or police, or the military (even though there was no formal standing army at the time). It seems as though the Heller decision must have been a huge disappointment to you. Sorry about that.(No, I'm really not... I'm just pretending to be nice to another Obama apologist)

It further appears that you also have some twisted opinion that Jim, Dave, whassisname, and myself have no interest or belief in any other Constitutional amendments save the Second, or the Constitution itself. And somehow, somewhere in this thread, we managed to convey that view to you?

Jim, Dave, whassisname... I demand that you guys stop sending those telepathic messages to jack. I intend to stop as well. That wasn't very nice of us.

If there are any more evil voices inside your head jack, you just let us know and we'll make them go away. I'm a Catholic and I know a priest who performs excorcisms. It's going to be OK.

And under Obamacare, you won't be denied coverage because of a pre-existing mental disorder! Hope and Change.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.