Originally Posted By: Gunflint Charlie
Keith, jack does make one work a little to take all his meaning. See the homeland security stuff. I think this has to do with ferociously defending the 2nd, but not standing against threats to other freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights.


Jay, I did take the time to peel off the layers of incoherence that jack tells us he's used as a tool. And no, I didn't miss the Homeland Security stuff, or much else. But I completely disagree with his contention that it is just like any other tool. What utility is there in a tool which makes a job harder for some and impossible for many? Was the intended utility an attempt to make me disengage?

As for part two of your statement above, I think you ought to know that I've been straining to keep my conversation tied to only the Second Amendment and threats to gun rights. I thought I kind of said that in my post #276544 of 4/28/12 at 2:25 PM on pg. 4 of this thread. I began to stray into other areas of the political arena and supra-constitutional rights such as the "rights" of the self-disadvantaged poor or politically connected multi-national corporations which expect you and I and our kids to foot the bill for handouts to bail them out. I quickly realized I was straying too far off topic as this is a Firearms forum. You were part of the big brouhaha here a few months back when Jim started the Starbucks thread. I obviously still contend that suppression of RKBA will eventually affect Doubleguns and so is sufficiently on topic to be here. I've also noted the multitude of threads here since then that had less than nothing to do with doubleguns, yet flourished without protest. That is the only reason I didn't back up and delete much of that post. Still, I am trying to stay mostly within the lines in deference to those who disagree. So the fact that I may not debate eminent domain, or free speech, or quartering of troops here should not be construed to mean that I am not cognizant of other areas where the Bill of Rights is strained or turned on its' head.

Now, if the room that jack is sneaking back to in order for Nurse Ratched to give him his pills happens to be at a VA clinic, he is being smart to get them while he can. For it is only a matter of time before the Community Organizer in Chief diverts funding to some disadvantaged group more deserving than our Vets.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.