Thanks King for your last reply. We allow too many of our leaders from both parties to play upon our fears. They call it "energizing the base." Our leaders have tried to reduce government to catchy slogans and spin such as "Mission Accomplished," and "Stay the Course," and now a "New Way Forward." We allow ourselves to be led like sheep as policticans play to our basest fears. I have quoted the current administration here for the sake of convienence, but I do realize that both parties are equally culpable.

I hold dearly our rights and freedoms as an American as I can see all of us on this site do. We keep refering back to the Constitution and of course, the 2nd Amendment. What strikes me so much about this document is how much thought and consideration went into every word. What we know about the deliberations in Philadelphia and afterword reveal much candid discussion and debate, but no appealing to energize the base out of fear.

I can say without a doubt, that no one on this site is an "anti," when it comes to our 2nd Amendment rights. We do not need any more polarization on any issue. We all love our freedoms and cherish where we live. We have far more in common than we do not.


Ed Pirie
West Topsham, Vermont